
We are DotCO Law Marketing.

We offer a revolutionary, effective, professional, and inexpensive online advertising opportunity for lawyers.

The internet has fundamentally changed the way consumers find and hire law firms. We know this to be true because we’ve lived and experienced it ourselves.

DotCO Law Marketing was founded and backed by members of a law firm that achieved amazing success marketing their firm online. These lawyers combined forces with a world class technology partner and built a one-of-a-kind network of web sites aimed at answering consumers’ questions about the law and about working with lawyers. Each site we build is 100% Google compliant and built on an exact match domain, which ensures that each site is ranked highly in top search engines and visited by consumers who are looking to hire an attorney.

The first and most important challenge of any online marketing effort is ensuring that your web site is seen by people who have a need for your services. After all, what good is an amazing web site that never gets seen?

Even more important than being seen, is being seen by the right people. That’s where we come in.

How DotCO Works

In short, here’s how DotCO works:

Step 1: A consumer searches Google, Yahoo or Bing using words that indicate they might actually have a case (and not some irrelevant search phrase that people who actually have a case would never actually use).

Step 2: That person sees our DotCO web site at the top of that search result page and visits the site.

If you see any law-related site ending in .co instead of .com, chances are it’s one of our sites.

Step 3: They now see your firm prominently listed on that DotCO site.

Unlike a legal directory, we limit the number of firms advertised on our sites, giving you the best chance of retaining a client. Seriously, who wants to be in “competition” with 50 or 200 other firms?

Step 4: Then they contact your law firm.

Step 5: You work your magic!

It’s really that simple.

Right about now, you probably have a million questions.

We try to answer at least a few of them throughout this site. Here are a few places you might want to check out next:

If this sounds irresistible and you want to skip ahead and get in touch with us, we’ve thought of that too.

Just reach out and say hello and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment to talk.