The Weakest Link in Law Firm Marketing
Do you have a perfect marketing program? Is your brand strong enough to make up for your mistakes? Are you the weakest link in your marketing efforts? I’m willing to bet that you are the weakest link in your marketing plan.
Over the last 13 years, I’ve seen far too many lawyers assume that a well-crafted marketing program would be enough to win them cases. Not by a long shot. Even if your web site is beautifully executed, conveys your expertise, shows up prominently in the search engines, and drives prospective clients to contact your firm there’s a good chance you’re losing cases you should otherwise be winning.
Act on leads with urgency
When a consumer contacts your firm, that’s not the end of the process. In many ways, it’s just the beginning. When a phone call is made, or an e-mail is sent, or inquiry form filled out, it’s the very first step in a process.
In today’s “always on” society, another lawyer is just a phone call away.
Consumers are more demanding than ever before. They want answers and they want them NOW. They want to speak to an expert. They are scared. They have questions. And if you’re not available to answer those questions and put their mind at ease, then another lawyer surely is.
If you’re intent on growing your law firm, there is no better advice I can provide than to get a dedicated, always on phone line and tie it into your marketing. Keep that phone with you at all times, and answer it no matter what. Ensure that phone is answered 24/7/365 – preferably by you.
I realize this may sound extreme. What if you’re in the middle of a meeting? What if you’re at a romantic dinner with your spouse? What if you’re on vacation? At worship service? Funeral? Wedding?
Answer the phone.
This can be frustrating. It can be infuriating to family members. Help them understand. Of course, there’s always your staff – that’s why you hired them, right? They can handle this, don’t you think?
Absolutely not!
You’re a lawyer. Your time and advice is your stock in trade (apologies to Abraham Lincoln). These people are calling to talk to YOU! It is your reputation they are reacting to. If you pawn them off on a team member, it’s setting the tone and may very well result in another phone call to another lawyer in search of answers.
I also get that you may wind up talking with a LOT of people who simply have no case. That’s the price of an effective marketing program. Every such program by its very nature is designed to capture as many leads as possible. You’re bound to bring up some junk inquiries as you haul your nets aboard your fishing boat. Deal with it.
The alternative is business as usual.
Are you willing to go the extra mile and be as “always on” as your prospective clients expect you to be?
Images courtesy of Tiffa130 & raindog808 licensed via Creative Commons.